Shaking it Off

February was a tough month for me. I found myself slogging deeper and deeper in the muck of my sadness. I told myself that I just had to walk through the feelings. It is the anniversary of my mother's death, the end of winter, the country is going in a direction that scares me, etc. It's appropriate to feel sad.

While I think it is sometimes right to walk through pain, it occurred to me today--as the result of an encouraging nudge from my spirit brother, Wren-- that I can choose to be happy. I can remember all of the things I am grateful for. I can focus on beauty and love rather than all that is unhappy in this world. This does not make the bad things go away. But it makes it possible for me to do what I can to change the world. If I am focused on the negative, I cannot create what is good. Thanks for the reminder, Wren.

Not a Wren


  1. I love Wren! I love that he is so good for you. I love you too! You crack me up "Not a Wren".

  2. PS- that photo is gorgeous!! I clicked on it and got a full page view of it. WOW!!

  3. mockingbird???? Nice
